Mechanical Engineering Jobs in Las Vegas

Mechanical Engineer Salary

What is the average salary for Mechanical Engineers in Nevada?

Mechanical Engineers earn an average hourly wage of $41.20. Hourly wages typically start from $26.23 and go up to $65.27. Mechanical Engineers earn an average salary of $85, 700 per year. Salaries typically start from $54, 570 and go up to $135, 760.

These numbers may vary depending on several factors, like level of education, amount of experience, industry, company size and location.

Learn more about the Mechanical Engineer job market for salaries of real jobs in your area. Alternatively, see what Mechanical Engineers earn in other states.

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The top 10% of Mechanical Engineers in Nevada earn:

$65.27 an hour $135, 760 per year Senior

The top 25% of Mechanical Engineers in Nevada earn:

$46.43 an hour $96, 570 per year Experienced

The top 50% of Mechanical Engineers in Nevada earn:

$35.81 an hour $74, 490 per year Junior

The bottom 25% of Mechanical Engineers in Nevada earn:

$30.63 an hour $63, 710 per year Starting

The bottom 10% of Mechanical Engineers in Nevada earn:

$26.23 an hour $54, 570 per year

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How much hourly wage for mechanical engineer in Las Vegas?

The average hourly wages for Mechanical Engineers in Las Vegas-Paradise, Nevada is about $39.45/ hour. An entry level person could plan on making $27.98/ hour and $57.01/ hour in a more senior position.

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