Part time Mechanical Engineering Jobs

Engineering Telecommuting & Part-Time Jobs

Remote software engineer will be responsible for feature implementation, ensuring code quality and collaborating on projects. Programming, Javascript and web knowledge required. Must have previous experience.

Remote software engineer will be tasked with feature delivery, resolving bug related issues and performing troubleshooting/testing tasks. Role requires technical proficiency and previous hands-on experience.

Seeking a full-time manager to supervise QA engineers and to enhance existing QA practices/processes. Must be a college graduate w/ at least 5 years of experience working in software Quality Assurance. Managerial experience is a must. Remote; Travel.

Work from home position. Will work with a team to enhance and extend Linux cryptographic components, ensuring timely delivery of project goals, and performing daily engineering activities. Prior experience in Security Certification is required.

Part-Time Temporary Job Evanston, IL, Palatine, IL, Naperville, IL, Chicago, IL, Lake Bluff, IL

Part-time, short-term job, works Saturdays. Pays $800 stipend per course. Needs a bachelor's degree and are experts on the taught subject. Build a rigorous learning environment for students in a gifted program, design a syllabus and curriculum.

Seeking engineering manager to serve as a team lead, support feature development and drive improvements. Partial remote work option. Two years of management experience and a related four-year degree/equivalent required. Benefits offered.

Software Technician with working Linux KVM exp needed for temporary position to work with a variety of hardware & operating systems. Must have 5 plus yrs of direct exp, and Bachelor's in Science dgree in Computer Engineering.

Perform site inspections. Generate technical reports and respond to loss control staff about any issues. Must have strong analytical skills and 5+ years of Specialty Property field inspection experience. Full-time. Great benefits. Some telecommuting.

See also:
  • Bullx NEO

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How can I find a part time mechanical engineering job? | Yahoo Answers

Try freelancing on different online freelancing websites. I am a freelancer myself with a degree in mechanical engineering. You will love doing this :)

Part-time jobs for Mechanical Engineers?

As far as I know, there are few part-time engineering jobs. Given your limited experience, an employer would probably feel the need to invest a great deal of resources in you, just to get you up to speed.
I think you'd have better luck looking for short-term intern-type positions. Could you do that and take opera at night or in between contracts? Your Mefi history suggests that opera is your true passion. Can you get into an internship/co-op program at school and save up some money to get you through the following semester of opera?
How are your writing skills? Could you do freelance …

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