Biomechanical artists

Legendary Alien Artist H.R. Giger Has Died At 74

Legendary Alien Artist H.R. Giger Has Died At 74H.R. Giger, whose horrific, biomechanical art-style defined the world of Alien and Prometheus, passed away yesterday from injuries suffered when he fell down his stairs at his home, according to sources.

Hans Ruedi Giger was born on February 5th, 1940, in the town of Chur in Switzerland. He experienced night terrors, and his art was an attempt to capture that — a melding of sex, death, man, and machine. He unique style caught the attention of Hollywood, where he became a concept designer for movies like Species, Poltergeist 2, Alejandro Jodorowsky's Dune, and even Batman Forever (although his Batmobile design wasn't used, unfortunately).

Of course, Giger will be best remembered for designing the titular Alien of Ridley Scott's 1979 film Alien, and much of the alien artifacts and sets within. Alien inspired one of Hollywood's biggest franchises, and won him an Academy Award for Best Achievement for Visual Effects.

Giger has spawned many imitators over the years, but none have ever come close to matching his style; whether you like Giger's art or not, no one can deny its power or its uniqueness. We have truly lost a visionary.

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Good luck

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