Dear Internet Archivists:
Once a year we ask you: help keep the Internet Archive free and free of ads. If everyone reading this gave $50, we could end our fundraiser right now. That’s right. For the price of a book, you can make a book available to everyone forever. We are a small non-profit with a huge mission: to give everyone access to all knowledge—the books, web pages, audio, television and software of our shared humanity. Forever. Together we are building the digital library of the future. A special place where you can go to learn and explore. The Internet Archive has only 170 staff but runs the #250 website in the world. We don’t accept ads. We don’t sell your information. But we still need to pay for servers, staff and rent. If you use the Internet Archive, we hope you’ll give what you can right now. Thank you.
Dear Internet Archivists: Help keep the Internet Archive free and free of ads. If everyone reading this gave $50, we could end our fundraiser right now. We are a non-profit with a huge mission: to give everyone access to all knowledge—the books, web pages, audio, television and software of our shared humanity. Forever. Together we are building the digital library of the future. A special place where you can go to learn and explore. The Internet Archive has only 170 staff but runs the #250 website in the world. We don’t accept ads. We don’t sell your information. But we still need to pay for servers, staff and rent. If you use the Internet Archive, please give what you can right now. Thank you.